#4 Jim Beam  (W)


#5 Rebel Yell (L)

Recorded on June 9th, 2018, in Nate’s studio

©Lil’ Lee Photography

We aren’t experts–or connoisseurs or authorities or savants or aficionados.  We definitely aren’t doing things the “right way.”

We just had a question, and we’re finding the answer.  The knowledge we are gaining through this process is staggering–about bourbon, but also about podcasting and hosting a website.  Our old teachers were right–learning CAN be fun!

It’s fun–it’s a hobby.  And we’re gonna keep doing it.

Scroll through the post to see some additional information about things (and stuff) we talked about during the episode.

**Corrections to the podcast are below.  Oops!**

Episode Notes

Site Mentions in the Episode


(what we said vs. what we should have said)

  1. Called the “malt” ingredient in whiskey “malted wheat”.  It’s “malted rye”–not wheat!
  2. Said that the Old Crow Medicine Show song from their first self-titled album was “Cocaine.”  But it’s actually called “Tell It To Me”.
  3. Said that the Brewmasters show was on the History Channel.  But it was actually on the Discovery Channel.
  4. Called the bill that Kentucky passed “Make Whiskey Free Again.”  It was actually called “Bourbon Without Borders.”

Technical Notes

We recorded this episode on a Blue Yeti Pro microphone.  We had it set to cardioid pickup pattern, even with the three of us.  In Nate’s studio, it’s a really great, quiet room for this.  I’d still like to get a few more microphones going, but that $$ isn’t quite in the budget yet, heh.

The podcast was recorded directly into–and edited using–Audacity, a free open-source audio editing software.  It served our purposes and worked well.